
Controllers are at the heart of an ActiveWeb application. These are classes which designed to process an HTTP request. Controllers are somewhat similar to Java Servlets, but even more similar to Ruby on Rails, Grails all SpringMVC controllers. A simplest controller looks like this:

public class GreetingController extends AppController{
   public void index(){}

A controller above is a working controller, even though it does not have any code in it. Such a controller is automatically mapped to a URL:


Controller actions

A controller action is a method that is designed to process an HTTP request. For example, in the example above, the URL will be mapped to the action index by default. However, if the URL looked like this:


then it would map to action hello:

public class GreetingController extends AppController{
   public void hello(){}

For more on mapping of URLs to controllers and actions please see Routing.

Controllers and HTTP methods

The HTTP specification defines methods: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, CONNECT and HEAD. Currently ActiveWeb supports GET, POST, DELETE, PUT and HEAD as the most used methods.

An HTTP request is not only mapped to an action, but also its HTTP method must correspond to an action?s HTTP method. Action HTTP methods are configured with annotations, @GET, @POST, @PUT, @DELETE and @HEAD.

If annotation not provided, the action is mapped to HTTP GET method by default

It makes it unnecessary to use annotations except cases when you need so-called destructive action. A destructive action is the one that is designed to change a state of a resource (in REST style of web programming).

Here is an example of a destructive action is:

public class BooksController extends AppController{

   public void updateBook(){}

ActiveWeb promotes REST-style web programming and will not allow to access an action that is configured for one HTTP method with another. For instance, if you try to access the GreetingController#index with HTTP method POST, you would get an exception:

activeweb.ControllerException: Cannot access action 
app.controllers.GreetingController.index with HTTP method: 'POST' because it is 
configured for method: 'GET'

RESTful controllers

A restful controller is almost the same as a regular controller. The difference is that in a standard controller you can define any number of actions and configure them with annotations to accept any HTTP methods. RESTful controllers by contrast have a set of actions and these actions will accept certain HTTP methods. In order to create a RESTful controller, you need to do two things:

  1. Add @RESTful annotation to the controller class
  2. Provide a fixed set of action methods in the body of controller

Here is an example of a RESTful controller taken from Kitchensink application:

public class RpostsController extends AppController {
    public void index(){...}
    public void newForm(){...}
    public void create(){...}
    public void show(){...}
    public void destroy(){...}

See the Kitchensink code, as well as more on restful controllers in the Routing page.

A RESTful controller is allowed to have 7 methods, and they all are automatically mapped to the following URSs and HTTP methods:

verb path action used for
GET /books index display a list of all books
GET /books/new_form new_form return an HTML form for creating a new book
POST /books create create a new book
GET /books/id show display a specific book
GET /books/id/edit_form edit_form return an HTML form for editing a books
PUT /books/id update update a specific book
DELETE /books/id destroy delete a specific book

There is no need to add any other annotations to RESTful controllers.

If you examine the table above, you will see that a combination of a path and HTTP method is mapped to an action. For instance, a path /books is mapped twice, with GET HTTP method to action index, an with POST to action create. This makes for elegant, REST-style URLs and leads ultimately to better user experience.

Location of controllers in project

The page Structure of a web project states that controllers are located in a package:


ActiveWeb specifies that all controllers are located in this package or sub-packages.

Controller names

A controller name is a name of the controller that can be deduced from the controller class name.

Controller name is an undescroder lower case controller class name without the Controller part.

For instance, if you have a controller class TimeServerController, then the controller name will be time_server.

Controller paths

A controller path is made of a sub-package and a controller name. A controller name is not a class name, but rather underscored, flattened name part of a class? simple name.

Example 1:

package app.controllers;
class BooksController{..} // ===> controller path: /books

Example 2:

package app.controllers;
class UniversityBooksController{..} // ===> controller path: /university_books

Example 3:

package app.controllers.depaul;
class UniversityBooksController{..} // ===> controller path: /depaul/university_books

Example 4:

package app.controllers.depaul.chicago;
class UniversityBooksController{..} // ===> controller path: /depaul/chicago/university_books

For more information on mapping requests to controllers, refer to Routing.

V in MVC

ActiveWeb does not use JSPs. Instead it uses FreeMarker (FM). The FM templates are located in this directory:


Mapping to views

The directory: src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views has subdirectories. These subdirectories are named after controller paths. This makes it easy to find FM templates (views) associated with controllers.

Default mapping to views

Under normal circumstances, the HTTP request is applied to an action, and then the framework passes control to a view. Under these conditions, there is no need for any configuration or code.

Example: if a HTTP GET request is sent to this URL: http://hostname/context/greeting, then the framework will invoke a GreetingControoller, and by default action index:

public class GreetingController extends AppController{
   public void index(){}

After execution of an action, the framework will find a template:


will render it, and send results to the browser.

ActiveWeb, in the same spirit as ActiveJDBC does not have any configuration files. Most actions are based on conventions.

Override mapping to relative views

In some cases, you need to override default mapping to views. You will use a render() method for this:

public class GreetingController extends AppController{
   public void index(){
      //some code here

The render("show"); will signal to ActiveWeb that instead of view index, you want to render a view show. Since you did not provide any other information, ActiveWeb will assume that this view will be found at the same location:


Override mapping to absolute views

Sometimes you need to call a view that belongs to a different controller, or even some shared view. In that case, you can specify an absolute path to a view like this:

public class GreetingController extends AppController{
   public void index(){
      //some code here

ActiveWeb will use the following view to render:


Passing data to views

Passing data to views is done with two methods:

  • assign(name, value)
  • view(name, value)

There is no difference between these methods, they are aliases. Use whichever you like.


public class GreetingController extends AppController{
   public void index(){
       view("name", "John Doe");

The corresponding view can look like this:

Hello, my name is: ${name}

You could have guessed that the output will look like:

Hello, my name is: John Doe

Ajax APIs

detecting if a request is Ajax

Controllers (and filters alike) provide a simple way to detect if a request is a from an XmlHttpRequest in browser:

public class GreetingController extends AppController{
   public void index(){

The xhr(); method also has an alias: isXhr();.

Responding to Ajax call directly

ActiveWeb provides a simple method respond(..):

public class GreetingController extends AppController{
   public void index(){

It is easy to use this method to send plain text, XML, JSON, or any other text format as a response to Ajax call.

Responding to Ajax call with a view

Method respond() is usually used to respond with quick HTML snippet, or generated JSON or other format. However, if you need to respond with a more complex structure, and potentially generate it with a view and use a full power of a view expression language for condition, iteration, etc, you can use a regular render() method, the one that is also used for rendering HTML pages. However, for Ajax calls layouts are not necessary, so the call will look like this:

public class AjaxController extends AppController{
   public void index(){
      //some code here

The actual response could be plain text, a snippet of HTML, JavaScript, etc. This is a great method to build web services.

The URL for this call will look like this: http://host/context/ajax. The Ajax actions act just like any other actions, they support all HTTP methods and annotations.

Other responses

Sometimes, it is better to parse a template, and get the result as a string for further processing. For example, when sending emails, so you can write the email body in a template, feed the template with the required parameter map, and let the template engine do the hard work for you. That can be achieved with the merge() method from any Controller or Filter:

public class EmailController extends AppController{
   public void send(){
      //... get and validate the parameters in a model instance
      String from = model.getString("user_email");
      String to   = appContext().get("sender_email_address");
      String body = merge("/shared/emails/welcome", model.toMap());
      MyMailHelper.sendEmail(from, to, body);   // some helper function, wrapping for ex.
      //... continue

Downloading of files

There are a few calls you can use for file download:

  • sending files to a client:
public class GetPdfController extends AppController{
   public void index(){   
     File f;
      //... obtain file
  • Streaming bytes to a client:
public class GetPdfController extends AppController{
   public void index(){   
     byte[] bytes;
      //... obtain data
  • Reading from InputStream and sending to client:
public class GetPdfController extends AppController{
   public void index(){   
     InputStream in;
      //... point input stream to data
  • Steaming a file to a client with a file name
public class GetCsvController extends AppController{
   public void index(){
     OutputStream out = outputStream("text/csv", map("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=metadata_" + param("type") + ".csv"), 200);
     out.write(...); // write content of file here
     // no need to close the stream, container will do that

Uploading files

Controllers have a two ways for uploading data. Here is one:

public class UploadController extends AppController{

   public void index(){
        Iterator<FormItem> iterator = uploadedFiles();
        if (iterator.hasNext()){
            FormItem item =;
            String name = item.getFileName();
                InputStream in = item.getInputStream();
                ///process data

.. and here is another:

public class UploadsController extends AppController {
    public void index(){
        List<FormItem> items = multipartFormItems();
        //process items

The second method is preferred for large files, because they are streamed to hard drive.

Session management

A session object is accessed with a session() call inside controllers:

public class HomeController extends AppController{
   public void index(){   
     // put a value
     session("name", value);

Other methods available on a session object are:

  session(name);                    // to get a single value
  session().remove(name);           // remove object by name
  session().names();                // to get a list of all objects in session
  session().getCreationTime();      // obvious
  session().invalidate();           // invalidate session
  session().setTimeToLive(seconds); // set time to live

Cookies management

Sending cookies to a client

sendCookie(Cookie);               //sends a cookie to client
sendCookie(name, value);          //simple short cut to do the same as above 
sendPermanentCookie(name, value); //will send a cookie with time to live == 20 years

Getting cookies from request

List<Cookie> cookies(); //gets a list of all cookies sent in request
Cookie cookie(name);    //retrieve an individual cookie
cookieValue(name);      //retrieve a cookie value by name of cookie


Controllers already have a way to log information to a log system. These methods are available for logging:


Threading issues

Controllers are thread safe. An instance of a controller is created to process each and every request, and then discarded. This means that if you create instance variables in controller, this variable will not interfere with another value form another request.

However, creation of instance variables in controller classes is considered a bad coding practice in general, because it is vulnerable to side effects. While controllers are objects in OO language (Java), they need to be treated as procedural devices when it comes to processing HTTP requests. This means that every action should be completely self-sufficient and not rely on some instance variable set by another action or that a method invoked from an action should not depend on an instance variable set higher up the stack.

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