ActiveWeb uses two application classes for configuration:

  • app.config.DbConfig - allows to configure connections for different environments.
  • app.config.AppControllerConfig - allows configuration of DBConnectionFilter instances to various controllers. See Bind connections to controllers

In order to configure database connection, an application needs to provide a class called app.config.DbConfig. It is used to configure database connections for various environments and modes.

What is an environment?

An ActiveWeb environment is a computer where a project executes. In the process of software development there can be a number of environments where a project gets executed, such as development, continuous integration, QA, staging, production and more. The number of environments for ActiveWeb is custom for every project. However, it is typical to have four: development, continuous integration, staging and production

How to specify an environment

An environment is specified by either:

  • Environment variable: ACTIVE_ENV
  • Java System property: active_env

If both, environment variable and a system property are specified, then system property overrides environment variable.

This value is used to determine which DB connections need to be initialized.

Default environment: In case an environment variable ACTIVE_ENV is not provided, the framework defaults to development.

Execution modes

ActiveWeb defines two modes of operation:

  • standard - is also implicit and default. Used during regular execution of applications
  • testing - used during the build when tests are executed

ActiveWeb promotes a style of development where one database used for testing, but a different one used under normal execution. When tests are executed, a test database is used, and when a project is run in a normal mode, a development database is used. Having sa separate database for testing ensures safety of data in the development database.

Configure connections

There are two basic ways to configure connections: property file and in code. You can also use a mixed approach, where connections are configured in a property file, and in code. Please, see section Property file configuration below.

Property file configuration

You can create a file called and place it on classpath or somewhere on the file system.

The content of the file can be similar to:





The configure the class app.config.DbConfig:

public class DbConfig extends AbstractDBConfig {
    public void init(AppContext context) {
        environment("production", true).jndi("jdbc/simple_production");        

The property file configuration works well with Database Migration system, so that configuration of database connections is done only in one place.

The last line in app.config.DbConfig overrides production configuration from the file. The production configuration in the file can be used by Database Migrator, while the app itself will be using a connection from a pool provided by container.

File-based configuration allows only one database connection configuration per environment.

Please, see a working example of file based configuration in the ActiveWeb Simple project.

Java code configuration

public class DbConfig extends AbstractDBConfig {
    public void init(AppContext context) {
         environment("development").testing().jdbc("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "jdbc:mysql://localhost/kitchensink_development", "root", "****");
         environment("jenkins").testing().jdbc("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "jdbc:mysql://", "root", "****");

The code above is borrowed from Kitchensink project. Lets examine it line by line.

  • Line 3: here we provide configuration for a standard mode in development environment. This DB connection will be used when the application is running under normal conditions in development environment.
  • Line 4: This is a configuration of DB connection for development environment, but for testing mode. This connection will be used by unit and integration tests during the build.
  • Line 5: This is a configuration of DB connection for jenkins environment, but for testing mode. The jenkins environment is a computer where this project is built by Jenkins - the continuous integration server. Since Jenkins computer is fully automated, and this project is not running there in standard mode, there is no standard configuration for jenkins environment, just one for testing.
  • Line 6: This is configuration similar to one on line 3, but for production environment.

Configuration of database connections is just that - configuration. This code only configures a connection, but does not open it. To open a connection, you need to use DBConnectionFilter. For more, see Controller filters.

Multiple DB connections

In some cases you will need to connect to more than one database. The class DbConfig can be used to configure multiple connections in the same environment:

Code configuration:

public class DbConfig extends AbstractDBConfig {
    public void init(AppContext context) {
         // default DB:
         environment("production", true).jndi("java:comp/env/jdbc/myproject_production1); 
         // named DB:
         environment("production", false).db("prod2").jndi("java:comp/env/jdbc/myproject_production2);

Two different databases are configured for environment production. A corresponding binding of two instances in DBConnectionFilter will look like this:

public class AppControllerConfig extends AbstractControllerConfig {
  public void init(AppContext context) {
      add(new DBConnectionFilter("default", true), new DBConnectionFilter("prod2", true));

Binding of two instances of DBConnectionFilter class will ensure opening and closing connections to corresponding databases before/after execution of controllers as specified in the DbConfig above.

Additionally, if you do not need the second connection on all controllers, then your configuration might like this:

public class AppControllerConfig extends AbstractControllerConfig {
  public void init(AppContext context) {
      add(new DBConnectionFilter("default", true));
      add(new DBConnectionFilter("prod2", true)).to(MySpecialController.class);

This way, the connection to prod2 will be opened only for execution of MySpecialController.

Different connections for controllers

If you need to use different connectios for different controllers, you have to define your named connections to databases in the DBConfig class:

public class DbConfig extends AbstractDBConfig {
    public void init(AppContext context) {
         environment("production", true).db("apples").jndi("java:comp/env/jdbc/apples_db; 
         environment("production", true).db("oranges").jndi("java:comp/env/jdbc/oranges_db);

Remember, that this is just configurations. The class DbConfig does not open any connections. Opening connections is a responsibility of DBConnectionFilter class:

public class AppControllerConfig extends AbstractControllerConfig {
  public void init(AppContext context) {
      add(new DBConnectionFilter("default", true));
      add(new DBConnectionFilter("apples", true)).to(ApplesController.class);
      add(new DBConnectionFilter("oranges", true)).to(OrangesController.class);

NOTE: in this case, you will have different named databases on current thread. This means that the models executed in the ApplesController should be tagged with apples dababase name:

public class Apple extends Model{}

If not, you will get a connection not found exception.

Go crazy with connections

If you need a very complex logic opening different connections for different conditions, you may need to implement your own controller filter. Remember, that the DBConnectionFilter is just ? another ActiveWeb filter. Take a look at implementation: DBConnectionFilter.

All you need is to open your connection with od in the before() method, close it in after() method and do what you have to in onException(e) method.

Bind Connections to controllers

Binding connections to controllers is done with DBConnectionFilter in AppControllerConfig class. Here is a typical example:

public class AppControllerConfig extends AbstractControllerConfig {
  public void init(AppContext context) {
      add(new DBConnectionFilter("default", true));

Binding above will open a default database connection before execution of any controller. If this is too crude, you can open connections for specific controllers:

public class AppControllerConfig extends AbstractControllerConfig {
    public void init(AppContext context) {
       add(new DBConnectionFilter("default", true)).to(

You can configure a fine-grain binding to a specific action:

public class AppControllerConfig extends AbstractControllerConfig {
    public void init(AppContext context) {
        add(new DBConnectionFilter("default", true)).to(MyPrivateController1.class).forActions("index");

Tying it all together

The ActiveWeb Simple is one example of full configuration:

Running without a database

If you need a simle site that does not require a database or you are using a different type of a backend, you can simply delete the class app.config.DbConfig from your project. When the framework starts, it will detect the absense of this class, will print a warning, but will operate without issues.

In adition to that, remove usage of org.javalite.activeweb.controller_filters.DBConnectionFilter or your custom filter from class app.config.AppControllerConfig.

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