Database migrations is a process of making changes to database schema during a development process. See Schema_migration to understand better what database migrations are.

DBMigrator is Maven plugin

Current implementation of this project is a Maven Plugin. Future releases might include a standalone library for non-Maven projects.

Supported databases

The DBMigrator plugin is really independent of ActiveJDBC and suports pretty much any SQL database, since the developer types code for individual migrations.

As long as the database itself supports JDBC, it is supported by this migrator.

Supported languages

Starting with version 2.3.3-j8-SNAPSHOT for Java8 and 3.0-SNAPSHOT for Java 11 and above, migrations can be written in:

  • SQL
  • Groovy

See the next section for instructions on creating new migration files.

Writing a new migration

Generate a new SQL migration file:

mvn db-migrator:new -Dname=create_people_table

This command will result in:

[INFO] Created new migration: src/migrations/20140211113507_create_people_table.sql

The newly created file is empty. Go ahead and add raw SQL to the file

create table people ( name varchar (10));

To generate a new Groovy migration file:

mvn db-migrator:new -Dname=move_data_from_one_table_to_another.groovy

If you specify the file extension .groovy, you will have a Groovy file generated. The migrator will automatically open a connection to the right database before executing the groovy file, and close it after

The artifact org.javalite.javalite-common as well as org.javalite.activejdbc will be on the classpath of your script, so you can use Base and other classes as you wish.

Run migrations:

mvn db-migrator:migrate
[INFO] Migrating jdbc:mysql://localhost/test_project using migrations at src/migrations/
[INFO] Migrating database, applying 1 migration(s)
[INFO] Running migration 20140211113507_create_people_table.sql

Alternatively, you can just run the build.

Custom delimiter (SQL only)

By default, the migrator uses semicolon to separate statements in a file from one another.
However, in some cases you need to write a complicated query, which will be hard to parse. Examples might be sequences, stored procedures, inserts with semicolons in content, etc. For cases like that you can define a custom delimiter with a keyword DELIMITER:

CREATE TABLE course_profiles (
  id           INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  course_id    INT(11),
  title        VARCHAR(128),
  subject      VARCHAR(128),
  description  TEXT,
  language     VARCHAR(16),
  INDEX course_language (course_id, language)


CREATE PROCEDURE migrate_courses_details()
    DECLARE cId INT(11);
    DECLARE cTitle VARCHAR(128);
    DECLARE cSubject VARCHAR(128);
    DECLARE courseCursor CURSOR FOR  select id, title, subject, description, created_at, updated_at from courses;

    OPEN courseCursor;

    courses_loop: LOOP
      FETCH courseCursor INTO  cId, cTitle, cSubject, cDesc, createdAt, updatedAt;
      IF done THEN
        LEAVE courses_loop;
      END IF;
      INSERT INTO course_profiles
        course_id = cId,
        title = cTitle,
        subject = cSubject,
        description = cDesc,
        language = 'en-US',
        created_at = createdAt,
        updated_at = updatedAt;

    CLOSE courseCursor;
  END $$

CALL migrate_courses_details();

DROP PROCEDURE migrate_courses_details;

ALTER TABLE courses DROP COLUMN subject;
ALTER TABLE courses DROP COLUMN description;

Note on line 16 DELIMITER $$ defining the delimiter as $$. The Migrator will use $$ as delimiter until it is redefined again, which happens on line 50.

All goals

You can execute plugin help goal to get all information on all other goals:

mvn  db-migrator:help
[INFO] db-migrator:drop
[INFO]   drops database configured in pom
[INFO] db-migrator:create
[INFO]   creates database configured in pom
[INFO] db-migrator:new
[INFO]   creates a new migration file
[INFO] db-migrator:check
[INFO]   checks that no pending migrations remain. This can be used in build lifecycle to fail the build if pending migrations are found
[INFO] db-migrator:migrate
[INFO]   migrates all pending migrations
[INFO] db-migrator:validate
[INFO]   validates and prints a report listing pending migrations
[INFO] db-migrator:reset
[INFO]   drops/re-creates the database, and runs all migrations, effectively resetting database to pristine state
[INFO] db-migrator:help
[INFO]   prints this message

Where to get

Generally, just add a plugin configuration to your pom, as described below. If you want to download, you can do so here: db-migrator-maven-plugin

Property file configuration

Using a property file for connection configuration is a preferred way of configuring JavaLite DBMigrator.

If you have only one database, it does not make much difference which method of configuration you use. However if you have a test and development databases locally (recommended), then you also have staging and production environments, we certainly recommend using property file configuration over Maven profiles.

Here is a simple plugin element for the plugin:


As you can see, the configuration is really located in file ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/ The contents of this file might look lile this:






In the file above, the blocks of properties with a specific prefix belong to a corresponding environment. For example, there are 5 environments defined on this file:

  • development
  • testenv
  • staging
  • production

Executing for environment

Executing DBMigrator is described above in section All goals. The plugin will run migrations for environments test and development because they are configured in the <properties> section (see above). In order to override this behavior, you need to override the <environments> property from a command line like this:

mvn db-migrator:migrate -Denvironments=staging

The command above will run the goal migrate with a set of properties to point to staging environment. It makes it easy to point the plugin to different databases and write simple scripts for migrations.

If you want to execute for multiple environments (typical example, is to migrate all local databases), simply list environments as a comma separated list:

mvn db-migrator:migrate -Denvironments=development.test,development

Property file location

In the example above, the file is located in project sources: ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/ This means that it will probably be pushed to your source repository with credentials. In some projects this is acceptable, while in others it is not. However, location of this file is irrelevant to the plugin, so a development team can decide whether they want to commit it to a repository, or keep locally private.

Maven configuration

Maven configuration is more complicated, and not recommended. Please, see property file-based configuration above.

Here is an example of simple configuration:

        <username>your user</username>
        <password>your password</password>

In a more realistic project, you will have more than one database, such as test, development, production, etc. In order to migrate multiple databases, use Maven executions:

First, configure the plugin in pluginManagement:


where user, password and driver are configured as project properties.

After that, you can configure the plugin to execute multiple databases by adding many executions. Here is example of one execution:


The plugin tied to a validate phase, which will ensure that it will migrate schema at the very start of the build. Add more executions to run against multiple databases. You can use Maven profiles with this plugin to migrate databases in different environments, such as production.

Configuration properties

  • url - JDBC connection URL
  • driver - JDBC connection driver
  • username - JDBC connection user name
  • password - JDBC connection password
  • migrationsPath - location of migration files, defaults to src/migrations/
  • createSql - create database SQL, defaults to create database {$your database}
  • dropSql - drop database SQL, defaults to drop database {$your database}

Variable substitutions in migrations

Sometimes you need more flexibility, for instance tables might have different names in different environments. This can be accomplished with Variable substitutions in your migrations and replacing these variables during migrations. For instance you could have a variable in the migration defined like this:

CREATE TABLE {{books-table}} (
    title VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL

Then the plugin could be configured to substitute values like {{books-table}} from a properties file:

org.javalite db-migrator-maven-plugin ${project.basedir}/src/

The file itself is a just a standard Java properties file:


You can configure to use different property files in different executions, but that is just stanmdard Maven plugin configuration.

Maintaining multiple databases

You can use Maven profiles to maintain multiple database, as well as specific configuration for different executions of the same plugin.

Migration records

DBMigrator maintains a record of executing migrations in table SCHEMA_VERSION and will not execute the same migration twice:

mysql> select * from schema_version;

Results in the following output:

version applied_on duration
20140302193112 2014-07-03 22:08:41 22
20140302193141 2014-07-03 22:08:41 12
20140303150340 2014-07-03 22:08:41 13
20140304173708 2014-07-03 22:08:41 20
20140304174236 2014-07-03 22:08:41 18
20140305235518 2014-07-03 22:08:41 13
20140306002924 2014-07-03 22:08:41 12
20140307192002 2014-07-03 22:08:41 25
20140309143448 2014-07-03 22:08:41 25
20140310141755 2014-07-03 22:08:41 25

Development process

Since all migrations are recorded as text (SQL) files, and contain a time stamp in the name, every time a developer pulls sources from source repository and executes a build, your database is migrated to the latest migration automatically. In our experience, this reduced amount of attention we had to give a DB to a minimum. Basically a developer creates a new migration and checks it in, which makes it propagate to other developer machines automatically.

Step 1: Create migration file

At the root of your project execute:

mvn db-migrator:new -Dname=create_people_table

This will simply create a new empty text file:

Created new migration: .../src/migrations/20160130213201_create_people_table.sql

where 20160130213201 is a timestamp that is a good indicator when this migration was created.

Step 2: Write SQL:

Open this file with your favorite text editor and add free hand SQL there:

  id  int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
  first_name VARCHAR(128),
  last_name  VARCHAR(128),
  created_at DATETIME,
  updated_at DATETIME

Step 3: Run migration:

Execute this command and observe output:

$mvn db-migrator:migrate
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building ActiveWeb Example WebApp 1.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- db-migrator-maven-plugin:2.2:migrate (default-cli) @ activeweb-simple ---
[INFO] Sourcing database configuration from file: /home/igor/projects/javalite/activeweb-simple/src/main/resources/
[INFO] Environment: test
[INFO] Migrating jdbc:mysql://localhost/simple_test using migrations at /home/igor/projects/javalite/activeweb-simple/src/migrations/
[INFO] Trying migrations at: /home/igor/projects/javalite/activeweb-simple/src/migrations 
[INFO] Migrating database, applying 1 migration(s)
[INFO] Running migration 20160130213201_create_person_table.sql
[INFO] CREATE TABLE people ( id  int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR(128), last_name  VARCHAR(128), created_at DATETIME, updated_at DATETIME )ENGINE=InnoDB
[INFO] Migrated database
[INFO] Environment: development
[INFO] Migrating jdbc:mysql://localhost/simple_development using migrations at /home/igor/projects/javalite/activeweb-simple/src/migrations/
[INFO] Trying migrations at: /home/igor/projects/javalite/activeweb-simple/src/migrations 
[INFO] Migrating database, applying 1 migration(s)
[INFO] Running migration 20160130213201_create_person_table.sql
[INFO] CREATE TABLE people ( id  int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR(128), last_name  VARCHAR(128), created_at DATETIME, updated_at DATETIME )ENGINE=InnoDB
[INFO] Migrated database

as you can see from above in this case, two databases were migrated: test and development. The output of the migration command is self-explanatory. If you had more migration files defined that have not yet been migrated, they all will be migrated by this step.

Step 3 alternative

Since the DBMigrator is a Maven plugin and is executed during a normal build, every time you run a project build with:

mvn clean install

The DBMigrator will trigger during a validate phase.

Your new migrations will be executed against target databases. This means you do not need to execute mvn db-migrator:migrate during a normal development process.

How to comment

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