JavaLite Documentation
- Basic database operations
- Setters and getters
- English inflections
- Runtime discovery
- Pass-through framework
- Database connection management
- Instrumentation
- Record creation
- Record selection
- Surrogate primary keys
- Limit and Sort
- Scopes
- Autogenerated Fields
- Batch operations
- Lazy and eager
- Testing of models with DB connection
Validations and conversions
Webservices support
Database migrations
IDE Integrations
Getting started
- Five Minute Guide To ActiveWeb
- Getting started - Hello world application
- MVC Pattern
- Structure of ActiveWeb project
Main components
- Controllers
- Processing requests with dynamic parameters
- Processing requests with implicit conversion
- Processing requests with validation
- Processing requests with JSON validation
- Processing requests with Java Records
- Views
- Routing
- Context parameters
- View routing
- Controller Filters
- Dependency Injection
- Database Configuration
- Application context
Development and testing
JSpec - assertion library
Http client
AppConfig - configuration library
JavaLite Common - common convenience library
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