One to many associations are pretty common in modern projects. Examples are: university has students, library has books, etc. There are two sides to a one to many association, the parent has a child and a child belongs to parent.

ActiveJDBC supports this type of a relationship in two ways: 1. Inferred and 2. Overridden

Example tables

Lets define a couple of tables to start with:

Table USERS:

id | first_name | last_name | discipline


address1 address2 city state zip user_id

Writing models

Model for USERS table:

public class User extends Model {}

Model for ADDRESSES table:

public class Address extends Model {}

Just because table ADDRESSES has a column called user_id, the framework assumes that there is a one-to-many relationship here, and makes special arrangements. The framework (internally) creates two associations (User has many Address(es) and Address belongs to User).

Adding children

Adding children is the same as in any other association:


As in other associations, the requirement is that the parent record in DB must exist already. This way, a child model is immediately saved to its appropriate table.

ActiveJDBC is a pass-through model. Models do not retain references to child model instances.

In case the User model is new (has not been save yet), the method user.add(child) will throw an exception.

How to get children

Nothing can be simpler:

List<Address> addresses = user.getAll(Address.class);

Here the Address.class needs to be passed in because a model User might have many other relationships with other models.

Sometimes you need to collect children of a model based on a selection criteria: In such cases, use the get(type) method:

List<Address> shippingAddresses = customer.get(Address.class, "address_type = ?", "shipping");

It is expected that the table ADDRESSES will have a column address_type. Condition is applied to a child table.

How to get Parent

User user = address.parent(User.class);

Here, we have to pass a User.class to indicate which parent type we want because a model could have multiple parents.

Deleting Parent

A simple way to delete a parent is:

User u = address.parent(User.class);

If you have a referential integrity in your DB and table ADDRESSES has records associated with this user, then you will get an exception from DB. If you do not have child records, this user will be deleted. If you have records in the ADDRESSES table and no referential integrity constraint, the user will be deleted and you will have orphan records in the ADDRESSES table. In order to delete a user and all it?s child records, execute this method:


This method will walk over all parent/child relationships and delete the user and all child records associated with it. There is also a convenience methods that will do the same:

u.delete(true);//true for cascade.

Be extremely cautious with this method. See Delete cascade for more information.

Override Conventions

In cases where a surrogate foreign key is already present and has a name that does not follow the ActiveJDBC conventions, you could easily override it like this:

@BelongsTo(parent = User.class, foreignKeyName = "usr_id")
public class Address extends Model {}

You can also define the relation in the opposite direction, using the @HasMany annotation:

@HasMany(child = Address.class, foreignKeyName = "usr_id")
public class User extends Model {}

Both annotations will ensure that API on both ends will work, so you can choose which one to use. There is no need to define the relation in both ends.

In cases a model belongs to many parents, you can use this annotation:


As usual though, you only need it if names of foreign keys do not conform to the conventions.

Foreign Key

The Foreign Key in the ADDRESSES table does not have to be a real Foreign Key constraint. ActiveJDBC does not check for it?s presence. As long as there is a column named according to this convention, ActiveJDBC assumes that there is a relationship. It does not hurt to have the actual constraint in the DB if you are using other means of accessing data.

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