This feature is available in a current snapshot: 3.0-SNAPSHOT for Java 16 and up.

ActiveWeb can also map requests to Java records. In this case, the built-in validation is not provided and
needs to be implemented by the application developer.

Example JSON Processing

Let's say we have a web client (a browser, or an API client) post this JSON document in a web request:

 "lastName": "Smith",
 "yearOfBirth": 1234

A simple Java Record for encapsulating this JSON object might look like this:

public record PersonRecord(String  firstName, String lastName,  int yearOfBirth){}

A controller would look like this:

public class RequestArgumentController extends AppController {

    public void personRecord(PersonRecord person) {
        // use the person object;

As you can see, the framework is expecting the JSON value names to match the Java record properties exactly.

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