This feature is available starting with v2.4 for Java 8 and v3.0 for Java 11 and up. Also available in current snapshots: 2.3.3-j8-SNAPSHOT and 3.0-SNAPSHOT.

While many commercial projects were built by just reading dynamic parameters, there is a more advanced set of features to process the

Implicit conversion with a POJO

Controller action classes can take a single argument, such that this argument has private members that match the request properties.

For instance, you may have an argument that looks looks like this:

As you can see, this is not a typical bean (it could be if you want though) and does not necessary have getters and setters. This class can be used as an argument to an action method of a class. You may want to add getters sop you can read values in your controller.

For example, if you have a form:

and a corresponding controller:

Then ActiveWeb will detect the fact that the action has an argument and will automatically:

  1. Create a new instance of Person,
  2. Translate names of the HTTP request parameters in the underscore format to Java camelCase format
  3. Fill the members of the new instance with corresponding values
  4. Will perform an implicit conversion of types.

Continue reading for more details.

Parameter name translation

The name translation assumes that:

  1. Request parameter names have an underscore format
  2. Java class used as an argument uses a standard camel case format for members, starting with lower case


Parameter name Java class member name
first_name firstName
last_name lastName

If there is no exact name matching after translation, the input parameter is ignored by the matching process, but the value can still be accessed, see Dynamic parameter access

Form input names are underscore, but the argument class fields (as in Person above) are a classic camelCase

Dynamic parameter access

Even if your action method accepts a value argument, you can still access all request parameters as described in Processing web requests with dynamic parameters:

All request parameters are accessible dynamically, regardless if they matched to an argument class or not.

Implicit conversion (for simple Java classes)

If you did not use an explicit validation system as described below, the framework offers an implicit validation of types.

For instance, in the example above, the Person.married member is type boolean, and the type of the incoming parameter will be converted to the target type automatically with a help of a Convert class.

As a resulrt, the parameter married could have one of these values to be true:

  • 1
  • t
  • y
  • true
  • yes

Currently, the following types are supported for implicit conversion:

  • Integer
  • Double
  • Float
  • Boolean
  • String

as well as their literal counterparts.

A conversion exception

If the request parameters can be converted to the corresponding types, than will just happen.

If however the conversion is impossible, such that you try to convert "blah" to an Integer, then you will get a org.javalite.common.ConversionException.

This exception gets thrown during the conversion phase, which means it will happen before execution is passed to your controller. The framework will simply display a system error page.

In order to catch and gracefully process such exceptions, you will need to add a controller filter and catch that (and other exceptions):

and then implement:

TODO: fill out below:

Implicit conversion with JSON

A current implementation supports a single level JSON document posted to the controller, in addition to submitting standard forms or parameters.

For instance, if you post a document like this:

and ensure that your Content-type header is equal application/json, then the framework will behave in the exact same manner as in case of a regular form submission.

In other words, if you have a value class Person as described above, it does not matter if you are sending a request as a JSON object or as a simple form.

The real difference though it that in case of a simple request, you can use an HTTP GET method, but in case of a JSON object, you must use POST, PUT, etc.

Parameter matching

ActiveWeb will do its best to match the parameters of a request (or fields of a submitted JSON document) to an argument type of an action method. The submitted parameters that do not match the Java type as described in parameter name translation section will simply be ignored.

For instance, if you are submitting a form:

to an action with the argument of this type:

Then, the middle_name and lastName will be ignored. There will be no log statement or any other output. It is a responsibility of a developer to ensure that input data matches the argument type.

Read next: processing web requests with validation.

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