Runtime discovery

Discovers tables and corresponding metadata from database at runtime.

ActiveJDBC performs a runtime discovery of tables that correspond to models. This happens once when any model is used for the first time.

What gets discovered:

  1. Models and their corresponding tables
  2. Table columns as model attributes
  3. One to many relationships
  4. Many to many relationships

Please, see English inflections to understand how table names are mapped to model names

Model metadata and model relationships are discovered at runtime from database schema.

Automatic Entity Relationship Diagram

When a discovery process completes, the framework can print the DDL diagram to a log file. Please, see Logging to find out how to turn loggin on.

Here is an example of registration, discovery and DDL log output:

Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Member
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Sword
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Plant
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Meal
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Course
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Developer
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Animal
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Cheese
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Comment
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Motherboard
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.User
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Post
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Apple
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Keyboard
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Student
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Patient
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.University
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.SubClassification
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Programmer
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Recipe
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Alarm
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Assignment
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Address
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Room
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.NoArg
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.School
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Salary
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Computer
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Account
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Article
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Item
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Doctor
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.ContentGroup
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Mammal
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Ingredient
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Cake
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Temperature
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Prescription
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.DoctorsPatients
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Library
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Fruit
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Vegetable
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Person
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Watermelon
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Tag
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Page
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Reader
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Image
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Vehicle
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Classification
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Book
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Project
Registered model: class org.javalite.activejdbc.test_models.Node
Fetched metadata for table: accounts
Fetched metadata for table: addresses
Fetched metadata for table: alarms
Fetched metadata for table: animals
Fetched metadata for table: apples
Fetched metadata for table: articles
Fetched metadata for table: books
Fetched metadata for table: cakes
[main] WARN org.javalite.activejdbc.Registry - Failed to retrieve metadata for table: 'cheeses'. Are you sure this table exists? For some databases table names are case sensitive.
Fetched metadata for table: classifications
Fetched metadata for table: comments
Fetched metadata for table: computers
Fetched metadata for table: content_groups
Fetched metadata for table: courses
Fetched metadata for table: developers
Fetched metadata for table: doctors
Fetched metadata for table: doctors_patients
Fetched metadata for table: fruits
Fetched metadata for table: images
Fetched metadata for table: ingredients
Fetched metadata for table: items
Fetched metadata for table: keyboards
Fetched metadata for table: legacy_universities
Fetched metadata for table: libraries
Fetched metadata for table: mammals
Fetched metadata for table: meals
Fetched metadata for table: Member
Fetched metadata for table: motherboards
[main] WARN org.javalite.activejdbc.Registry - Failed to retrieve metadata for table: 'no_args'. Are you sure this table exists? For some databases table names are case sensitive.
Fetched metadata for table: nodes
Fetched metadata for table: pages
Fetched metadata for table: patients
Fetched metadata for table: people
Fetched metadata for table: plants
Fetched metadata for table: posts
Fetched metadata for table: prescriptions
Fetched metadata for table: programmers
Fetched metadata for table: programmers_projects
Fetched metadata for table: projects
Fetched metadata for table: readers
Fetched metadata for table: recipes
Fetched metadata for table: rooms
Fetched metadata for table: salaries
Fetched metadata for table: schools
Fetched metadata for table: students
Fetched metadata for table: sub_classifications
Fetched metadata for table: swords
Fetched metadata for table: tags
Fetched metadata for table: temperatures
Fetched metadata for table: users
Fetched metadata for table: vegetables
Fetched metadata for table: vehicles
Fetched metadata for table: watermelons
Association found: comments  >----------  articles, type: belongs-to-polymorphic
Association found: articles  ----------<  comments, type: has-many-polymorphic
Association found: comments  >----------  posts, type: belongs-to-polymorphic
Association found: posts  ----------<  comments, type: has-many-polymorphic
Association found: comments  >----------  prescriptions, type: belongs-to-polymorphic
Association found: prescriptions  ----------<  comments, type: has-many-polymorphic
Association found: students  >---------<  courses, type: many-to-many, join: registrations
Association found: courses  >---------<  students, type: many-to-many, join: registrations
Association found: recipes  >---------<  ingredients, type: many-to-many, join: ingredients_recipes
Association found: ingredients  >---------<  recipes, type: many-to-many, join: ingredients_recipes
Association found: keyboards  ----------<  computers, type: has-many
Association found: computers  >----------  keyboards, type: belongs-to
Association found: motherboards  ----------<  computers, type: has-many
Association found: computers  >----------  motherboards, type: belongs-to
Association found: tags  >----------  articles, type: belongs-to-polymorphic
Association found: articles  ----------<  tags, type: has-many-polymorphic
Association found: tags  >----------  posts, type: belongs-to-polymorphic
Association found: posts  ----------<  tags, type: has-many-polymorphic
Association found: classifications  >----------  vehicles, type: belongs-to-polymorphic
Association found: vehicles  ----------<  classifications, type: has-many-polymorphic
Association found: classifications  >----------  mammals, type: belongs-to-polymorphic
Association found: mammals  ----------<  classifications, type: has-many-polymorphic
Association found: libraries  ----------<  books, type: has-many
Association found: books  >----------  libraries, type: belongs-to
Association found: nodes  ----------<  nodes, type: has-many
Association found: nodes  >----------  nodes, type: belongs-to
Association found: rooms  >----------  addresses, type: belongs-to
Association found: addresses  ----------<  rooms, type: has-many
Association found: readers  >----------  books, type: belongs-to
Association found: books  ----------<  readers, type: has-many
Association found: sub_classifications  >----------  classifications, type: belongs-to
Association found: classifications  ----------<  sub_classifications, type: has-many
Association found: doctors_patients  >----------  doctors, type: belongs-to
Association found: doctors  ----------<  doctors_patients, type: has-many
Association found: doctors  >---------<  patients, type: many-to-many, join: doctors_patients
Association found: doctors_patients  >----------  patients, type: belongs-to
Association found: patients  ----------<  doctors_patients, type: has-many
Association found: prescriptions  >----------  patients, type: belongs-to
Association found: patients  ----------<  prescriptions, type: has-many
Association found: patients  >---------<  doctors, type: many-to-many, join: doctors_patients
Association found: programmers_projects  >----------  programmers, type: belongs-to
Association found: programmers  ----------<  programmers_projects, type: has-many
Association found: programmers  >---------<  projects, type: many-to-many, join: programmers_projects
Association found: programmers_projects  >----------  projects, type: belongs-to
Association found: projects  ----------<  programmers_projects, type: has-many
Association found: projects  >---------<  programmers, type: many-to-many, join: programmers_projects
Association found: addresses  >----------  users, type: belongs-to
Association found: users  ----------<  addresses, type: has-many

This output was taken from running There are three sections: registration, mapping, and Associations.

The Entity Relationship diagram is represented by a Crow?s foot notation.

One to many example

Association found: libraries  ----------<  books, type: has-many

Means that a library has many books

Many to one example

Association found: books  >----------  libraries, type: belongs-to

Books belong to library

Many to many example

Association found: doctors  >---------<  patients, type: many-to-many, join: doctors_patients

A doctor sees many patients and a patient visits many doctors.

Many-to-many representation

Many to many relationship is in effect represented by other one-to-many relationships:

Association found: doctors_patients  >----------  doctors, type: belongs-to
Association found: doctors  ----------<  doctors_patients, type: has-many
Association found: doctors  >---------<  patients, type: many-to-many, join: doctors_patients
Association found: doctors_patients  >----------  patients, type: belongs-to
Association found: patients  ----------<  doctors_patients, type: has-many

Polimorphic Associations

Polymorphic Association information is not sourced from the schema, but rather configured in code using annotations.

Please, see: Polimorphic Associations.

Static Metadata Generation

Dynamic runtime discovery is great, since you do not need to configure anything and the database serves the role of the only record of truth.

This means that whenever ou use any model for the first time, your program needs access to the database so that the metadata could be pulled out. Unfortunately this is not possible or convenient in all cases. Imagine you have serialized your entire process due to your cloud instance being put to sleep or suspended. Another case is adding a model to a web session and serialized by a container. When de-serialized, the container, in its thread will try to revive the models, and that can lead to nasty exceptions.

The Static Generation allows to generate metadata at the time of the build and store it as file activejdbc_metadata.json. If such file is found at run time, it is sourced for metadata. If it is not found, the standard approach triggers: a trip to a database.

Please, see an example project with this configuration: Static Metadata Test.

  • Advantage: this is obvious, as you can use this to eliminate a necessity for a database connection when your system needs metadata
  • Disadvantage: the generation of the metadata file happens at build time against a local developers database (or CI server). It is possible then that your development process does not track database changes resulting in the DB schemas being out of sync, which will lead to a difference in schemas between the prod database and the generated metadata file. A special attention must be paid to ensure the same database schema version used.

NOTE: the static generation works at build time, not run time. This means that if you use ActiveWeb, or configure connections in your app using or new, the static generation has no way of knowing that. It instead sources the connection to your database from database.propertiers just like the Migration Plugin. This means it is important you configure static metadata generation accordingly. Here is a perfect example: Static Metadata Test.



                            By default this entire section is not necessary. If your project has a "" file,
                            it will be located and used for current environment (likely development).
                            The config example is to illustrate an override approach.
  • Line 6 turns the static generation on.
  • The line 10 mentions that you can override your configuration directly in the pom file.
  • Line 31 includes the driver dependency, which is necessary to connect to the database.

How to comment

The comment section below is to discuss documentation on this page.

If you have an issue, or discover bug, please follow instructions on the Support page